

Mozambique is situated in southeast Africa. The Indian Ocean lies to the country’s east, and the country shares land borders with Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Swaziland and South Africa. A Portuguese colony until 1974, Portuguese remains the country’s official language.

As the political situation has stabilised, the economy has begun to grow – and the government has responded by introducing a series of much-needed reforms, including the introduction of a Value-Added Tax. Infrastructure is improving, and foreign investors are beginning to make a difference to the Mozambican economy. The country’s main economic partners include South Africa, Italy and China.

Blessed with generous natural resources, Mozambique is reported to have the fourth largest reserves of natural gas in the world. Agriculture is the chief mainstay of the Mozambique’s economy, contributing around 32% of GDP, and employing around 80% of the country’s workforce. There is tremendous potential for expansion of industrial agriculture. Mozambique began coal exports in 2011, and the country has announced plans to become the world’s largest exporter of coal. In addition to coal, the country mines bauxite, gold, granite, marble, precious stones and titanium.

In recent years, the tourist sector has undergone reform – with a view to promoting the country as a major destination for so-called ‘high-value, low-volume’ tourism.

Based in Maputo, the country’s capital, HLB Mozambique offers first-rate professional services to domestic and foreign clients alike.

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