Small is beautiful: Why smaller firms have an edge in the food and beverage industry

notadminArticle, Blog

One field in which smaller firms have an advantage over their larger rivals is the food and beverage industry.

It all comes down to simple economics: Owing to economies of scale, bigger firms must make bigger investments if they are to sell products on a larger scale. For this reason, larger companies have often lagged behind smaller competitors in producing high-quality products.

French courts clarify tax refund issue

notadminArticle, Blog

The French Administrative Supreme Court (Conseil d’Etat) has provided details on the admissibility of claims made by non-residents seeking a refund of withholding tax paid on dividends.

German courts declare property tax unconstitutional

notadminArticle, Blog

Property tax is a key source of revenue for German cities and municipalities – totalling around €13 billion euros per year. Through this tax landlords contribute to the cost of infrastructure. Property tax can be passed to tenants for rental objects.

A healthy future: Increased health-consciousness drives changein the food and beverage industry

notadminArticle, Blog

Consumers are becoming increasingly health-conscious, and not too soon. As a nation, the U.S. has become progressively less healthy, and the food and beverage industry has been a major contributor. From high-fructose corn syrup to highly refined carbohydrates, the U.S. has literally made itself sick. Consumers have woken up, however, and are driving major changes in the industry. Food and beverage companies are being forced to listen.

The UK property market: Everything you need to know

notadminArticle, Blog

UK property has long been an attractive asset for domestic and international investors alike. This is due to the strength and stability of the UK market and political system, but also due to the profitability of UK property.

Recent trends

When it came to property, the UK was traditionally a buying culture. This has begun to change.